Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vintage Women's Clothing

Vintage Women's Clothing
Vintage clothing is clothing that was worn between the 1920s and the 1980s. The term is quite flexible and this type of clothing is also known as retro clothing. However the term retro is used to describe the more recent style of clothes. For example, the styles of the 1970s and the 1980s are referred to as retro while the older styles are called vintage designs. Vintage clothing could also mean a piece of clothing created by a designer and not worn for a couple of years.

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Modest Women's Clothing

Modest Women's Clothing
Turning into contemporary chic fashion modest women's clothing can be very simple with the right clothing pieces and knowledge. Today's chic fashion tends to be Sleeveless, short Sleeve, too low cut or too short. This makes chic fashion overalls Revealing too modest for today's women. This can make fashionable dressing very frustrating. Some women just give up dressing fashionable and settle for simple basic clothing. This is not necessary.

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Fashion Designer Education

Fashion Designer Education
Most fashion designers are self-employed and simply design for individual clients. Designers become popular by setting themselves apart by being professional, reliable, and using different colors, shapes, and materials that will allow them to stand out among their competition. A great way to learn how to create your own methods of creating great clothing, accessories, or jewelry is to become a designer's assistant. Helping a designer will not only allow those that are learning to see what goes into the business, but will also help them define a sense of self and a true sense of what they want to do in the fashion business.

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Kelly Clarkson's hairstyle and her face shape

Kelly Clarkson's hairstyle and her face shape Kelly Clarkson's face is undoubtedly round. This does not mean that her face resembles...